Happy Thanksgiving!

Top 8 things I’m thankful for:

-My dogs. They’re cute and don’t talk back. :)

-My beautiful friends. There’s nothing more comforting than knowing there are people all over the country that I could call up in a second.

-The opportunity to chase after my dreams, even 2,000 miles away from home.

-My education.

-Having the chance to live in 9 different cities, all before I turned 20.

-My health.  And my newfound ability to love every single part of me.

-My family. Close and extended. The fact that we can forgive, love and grow even after situations most people wouldn’t be able to bounce back from.

-For every person that I’ve crossed paths with in the past year. Your hurtfulness has made me strong, your judgments have made me love others more. That being said, your love and support has gotten me to where I am today. So thank you.

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