New Beginnings

To say I don't like settling would be an understatement. I blame it partly on the fact that I moved around a ton as a kid [9 moves in 18 years; 7 different states] but mostly on the fact that I love exploring. So naturally after two years in Arizona I got bored and decided it was time for an adventure. So I looked at a map and decided I wanted to study abroad in England. I applied to the University of London and was accepted for the fall semester of 2012. Then I decided I wanted a summer adventure too and was lucky enough to snag a job in Seattle. So I packed my suitcase [well,  two suitcases, two carry ons and about 6 boxes] and set off on my 8 month adventure. 

I was greeted in Seattle by the three adorable kids I am going to be nannying for and some absolutely amazing weather.  Coming from the 95 degree heat in Arizona I definitely appreciate the 72 and sunny weather Seattle is spoiling us with.

 [trail run right outside my new neighborhood]

[Mount Rainer]

I'm really excited about whats ahead and am going to make an effort to keep up with my blog so that in five, twenty, fifty years I'll have something to look back on and remember my carefree days. Also I know I need to keep up with it to please my #1 fan, Mom. :)

1 comment:

  1. Katie! So happy to hear you are doing so well. Free spirited and independent as always :) Best wishes on all of your new adventures!
